Sadly, we get what we get and that's not a rousing success exactly. Trim some of the nonessential flourishes and this turns into a pretty poignant movie that I think has a terribly important message to get across. This isn't an awful watch, it's just lacking in focus and restraint. What could have been a simple and poignant film has to be twisted in a multilayered, contrived mess of a plot that's weirdly part Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The problem is, this gets so far up inside of itself that it loses all focus. In the case of Zoom, we get a movie with some very important commentary on body image, the perceptions we have of ourselves, the way our appearance impacts how others see us and how we see ourselves and our very potential.

Films with an excellent message/concept that suffer from someone just insisting on over the top artistry. I feel like I've been stumbling on movies like this a lot lately.