
Well-known creators and art movements are substantially represented, along with lesser-known artists and subjects that merit further study. The collection has been assembled over 125 years, acquired primarily through a combination of gifts, purchases, and copyright deposits. The Library’s collection of fine prints includes an estimated 60,000 works by printmakers working from the 15th century forward, using such techniques as woodcut, engraving, etching, lithography, and screenprinting. It also makes note of related materials in other divisions of the Library of Congress and resources useful to the study of fine prints. This guide provides a broad overview of the range of fine print collections in the Prints & Photographs Division, with links to more detailed collection guides where appropriate. wood, copper, stone, or linoleum, etc., to another surface, typically paper. Prints have traditionally been defined as images which can be transferred from an inked matrix, e.g. Artists’ prints typically exist in multiples and have long been celebrated as being among the most democratic of art forms, with the potential to be widely shared, experienced, studied, and appreciated. Like poetry, literature, and music-visual art can reflect history, society, politics, and culture in uniquely powerful ways. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.
