I have limited the number of other programs I have running. I am running DnD4eCM and OneNote on the latop screen as well and that is working ok. I am getting a number of problems (and have done since I started using Roll20 for the last 2 months), : i) After about an hour or so firefox just crashes, and then every 15 minutes or so, with a "this is embarassing" window (yeah it is). I dont use Google Hangouts - just plain firefox and Roll 20. I have two roll20 sessions open, two firefox windows - one on my laptop screen - as the GM view (50%), and then the projected screen (60%) which I, as GM have joined as a player.

Basically I have a laptop extending a display to a ceiling mounted projector that projects down on to a whiteboard on a table on which I use a mix of miniatures and Roll20 tokens on the Roll20 maps (image attached for context :).

Ironically I use Roll20 Virtual Table Top to play a real tabletop campaign of D&D 4e.